Imagine what is possible when hands-on learning meets 21st-century immersive technology. The following 360° extended reality experience allow students to imagine themselves underneath the planet's oceans and to see how science, technology, engineering, and math is allowing humans to explore, learn, and create in ways we never have before. Download the companion activity and educator guide for specific ways you can integrate these experiences in your classroom today.
Extended-Reality Video and Companion Activities
Earth's Deep Seas
(Please allow about 5 minutes for the experience to load. Once the experience has loaded, you may use the full-screen option to view the interactive.)
Travel to the depths of the ocean 8,200 feet below the surface inside a specially designed autonomous sea vehicle: The Echo Voyager. As the vehicle descends below the ocean’s surface, students will meet a variety of marine animals, explore the environments in which they live, and consider how they survive in such extreme conditions.
- Viewing the video in Chrome and Firefox is recommended
- Press Any Key to Continue Driving Through The Experience
- Press ESC to exit the module at anytime

Companion Activities & Educator Guide
Welcome to the depths of the ocean! This 360° experience guides students through the epipelagic, mesopelagic, and bathypelagic zones of the ocean to see what kind of marine life lives there and explore underwater volcanoes. The Educator Guide provides instructions on how to maneuver once inside the experience, while the Companion Activity encourages students to propose their own ideas for how the Echo Voyager could be used to further our understanding of the planet’s oceans.
Extended-Reality Video and Companion Activities
Chemistry of Biofuels
(Please allow about 5 minutes for the experience to load.)
Boeing creates products that range from undersea vehicles exploring the depths of the ocean to planes that carry cargo and people around the world. To run these vehicles, they need fuel. Learn about the environmental innovations Boeing is making, such as new biofuels, to help create a more sustainable fuel option. Learn the importance different biomes have on the airline industry. Students will learn the steps on how grass, wood and corn can be used in various biofuels, which one day could support the majority of air travel.
- Viewing the video in Chrome and Firefox is recommended
- Press Any Key to Continue Driving Through The Experience
- Press ESC to exit the module at anytime

Companion Activities & Educator Guide
This 360 experience guides students through the process of biofuel production from start to finish. They will Interact with their environment to collect, possess and understand biomass and its effectiveness as a fuel. After learning about biomass, students will have the opportunity to learn how it is converted into biofuel, and why that is important for our planet.