Changemakers in STEM
Take students on a virtual journey with Boeing with this theatre-like experience to learn about world-altering innovations created by these Changemakers in STEM. This hands-on digital interactive allows students to step inside pivotal moments in the lives of these innovators throughout history.
Extended-Reality Video and Companion Activities
Changemakers in STEM
(Please allow about 5 minutes for the experience to load. Once the experience has loaded, you may use the full-screen option to view the interactive.)
Revisit the lives and careers of influential STEM innovators who came from diverse backgrounds to make important contributions to science and our society. In this immersive experience, students feel like they are sitting in the audience of a theatre while interacting with virtual artifacts like satellites, blueprints, and more!
- Viewing the video in Chrome and Firefox is recommended
- Press Any Key to Continue Driving Through The Experience
- Press ESC to exit the module at anytime

Companion Activities & Educator Guide
Immersive technology allows students to feel like they’re taking part in the engineering design process to solve real-world problems. Students will reflect, brainstorm, and create to make a plan toward finding solutions for authentic challenges. These ready-to-use lessons provide hands-on exposure for students to learn about the different types of work people do in the field of STEM every day.